Category Archives: Ghosts

A Divining familiars

Spirits can be many things, ghosts, demonic shells, even guides, but did you know that there is a kind of spirit that can help you see into the future? There is, and witches of old have always employed their help to access hidden information. For those that use them they serve as a friend, teacher, and a source of power. They are also easily obtained, in fact, you may have one already and not even know it. Once you learn to work with this magical friend you will be able to divine the future with, cards, palms, crystals and even The Tabula Mortem.

Over the years I have told fortunes for countless people, in person, on the internet and over the phone. One thing that gets said to me a lot is “how do you do it? I have learned the meaning of the cards and made all the studies you have but when you hold up a card and tell someone miles away, everything they needed to know, I think how did he get that from that card?” Until recently I didn’t know. It seems that I have had a divining familiar most of my life and did not know it. The divining familiar is a spirit familiar just like any other but this one serves a particular purpose; it helps you see into the future. When you have one and you keep it close to you then it works inside your head to help you see meaning hidden in symbols and signs.

You may be asking yourself, why do I need one of these to use the Tabula Mortem? The answer is that you can use the board without it just fine. But having one seems to make the difference between someone who’s readings are vague and scattered and one who can give information that will be of real value for the sitter. Anyone can memorize the meanings of the symbols on the board but each of those symbols can have hundreds of different meanings. The familiar will guide you to an understanding as to what that symbol is saying to the individual.

So, I guess the next thing I need to address is how do you go about getting one. Have you ever heard someone say that when a Tarot deck is new you should sleep with it under your pillow for a couple of nights? This is usually done to make a connection with them. Well, it turns out that this is one of the best ways to get a divining familiar as well. You do this by taking something you intend to use for divination, like a deck of cards and putting it under your pillow (for a spirit board simply put it under your entire bed). If neither of these places are possible you can put the object beside where you sleep, so long as it is close. Then, every night before you go to sleep ask if a spirit will come to you and help you see into the future. Do this until you meet a spirit in your dreams that gives you its name, don’t worry if it is the name of someone else you know, a famous person or even a demon. Your spirit is different and has chosen a name that it uses only with you, for this reason they like to test you by picking a name you may reject. Remember this name! it is very important, and this brings me to the second way to get a divining familiar, which is to have someone give one to you.

  Once you have the familiar you must never let anyone else learn its name, if they do then the spirit will depart and maybe even curse you as well. Before every reading simply call your spirits name in your mind, NOT OUT LOUD! Then as you are reading new insights will come to your mind. It is tradition for a witch to pass this spirit on to someone else before they die. You do this by choosing someone you think can use its services best and telling them about it, finally revealing its name. It should not be angry about this and should pass peacefully from one person to the next. A good divination Familiar is a one of the most valuable things a witch can have so use it well and may blessings be with you.

Blessed Be

Spirit Obsession

 In this post I would like to address a subject I feel everyone using a spirit board or even practicing magic needs to be educated about, that is spirit obsession.  Obsession is when a spirit, usually but not always a husk attaches itself to a person, object, or place.

 I say, they are usually a husk because this is the kind of entity that is most often doing it.  So now I need to give a definition of what I call a husk.  First, I must point out that what I tell you here is from my own experiences and what I have learned in all my years of trafficking with the other side.  If Jerome and I were alive during the witch trials, we would have been found guilty without question.  But the spirits talk to us about the human soul being made up of parts.  Some are part of who you are, and you carry these from life to life, it is what the Fool in the Tarot deck carries in his bag.

But other parts are temporary, the sphinxes pulling the Chariot.  And these exist in a positive and negative form, think of them as an angel and a devil on each shoulder, the Sumerians did. They are the two parts of the ego, the part that wants to be an angel in people’s eyes and helps others and the part that wants to be a devil and dominate them.  We tend to see the angel as good and the devil as bad, but they are both incomplete and if left alone would lead us to destruction.  Trying to be too passive will only make you the pray for others and trying to be too dominating will make you a predator that others will avoid.  We need them both and to use them at the right time.  Like the Charioteer we need to keep to the middle while these parts of our ego pull to the extremes.

The thing to remember about these shells is that they are a mask made up over a lifetime to protect the inner self which is vulnerable.  That is why the Chariot Card is related to the sign of Cancer.  We need them, when we are alive because, like it or not, there are bad things other people do and this false image we project out to the world help us to live with others.

But when we die, we need it no more, just as when you are born you no longer need the placenta. So, it is cast aside.  It often stays close to the body because it is the ego that thinks the body is a part of us.  There is a line in Romeo and Juliet about how people have noticed these things and that they return to the body at a particular time, we have found it to be at 3:33 am by the way.

Were bloody Tybalt, yet but green in earth,

Lies festering in his shroud; where, as they say,

At some hours in the night spirits resort

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

This entity is not so much a spirit, but the husk of an ego thrown off at death and starting to divide into the two parts that make it up.  Because it is made by the person’s awareness of themselves it will eventually fade away.  But the ego thinks it is the person and now tries hard as it can to find someone or something to convince itself it is real.  If it can remember an object or place, then it often retunes to it when it is away from the body.  Therefore, some spirits haunt places or objects and we call it spirit obsession.  But if someone is willing to talk to it than that is enough to hold its memory of itself together.

You can usually spot these spirits by the way they behave on the board.  They will keep you talking and tell you everything they think you want to hear just so you will talk to them.  They will often tell you that there is something very important that only you can do.  Remember these things are pure ego and they will try to use yours to attach to you.

When you get one the best thing to do is stop talking to it immediately.  Do not let it attach, if it does find a ritual to get rid of it.  You can tell, if one is attached to someone because the inflicted person will get angry for no reason, they may suffer panic attacks and over time may lose hair and gain weight without a cause.  These things feed off the aura and as it becomes damaged the chakras become unbalanced causing many physical side effects.

The Veve of Legba was put on the board to keep these things out. He is the gatekeeper to the other side so hopefully you will not get one of these, but they can still get through at times.  One thing to keep in mind is that spirits of this kind are more dense and thus closer to our world.  They will remember their lives and how to read and write so they will use the alphabet to communicate with you.  The higher part of a spirit is more likely to have evolved beyond written language and will probably communicate using the Cave Runes.

As practitioners of magic, it is our place to help keep the balance between the worlds, but I will address this in a later post.  For now, we need to learn what we are dealing with, and I hope this helps.

Blessed Be