Below you will find a list of the most common questions we get ask about the Tabula Mortem along with the answer as we know it. Please note that any spiritual or magical advice given below is strictly the beliefs of the authors and may not reflect your spiritual understanding.

  • Q: I live in another country, where can I buy the Tabula Mortem?

  • A: The Tabula Mortem is available in many countries from different providers. You can find a list of buying options arranged by country on our Where to Buy the Tabula Mortem  page

  • Q: Can I use my own pendulum with the Tabula Mortem?

  • A: Yes, the pendulum/planchette is provided so you have everything you need to use the Tabula Mortem right out of the box, but you are free to use whatever pendulum or planchette you feel conferrable with. It should work just the same.

  • Q: Am I buying the Tabula Mortem from this site?

  • A: No, the purpose of this site is to give you information on the Tabula Mortem and while there are a lot of links to buy the board here, they all take you to an external site. Any buying or returns is between you and the site owner, we are not responsible. 

  • Q: Does the Tabula Mortem come with a book?

  • A: Yes, it comes with an 84-page guide book explaining how to use the board, how to interpret the symbols and a lot more.

  • Q: What does the words Tabula Mortem mean?

  • A: Tabula Mortem is a Latin phrase that roughly translates to mean, board of the dead or tablet of the dead.

  • Q: What makes the Tabula Mortem different from other spirit boards?

  • A: There are a lot of differences between traditional spirit boards and the Tabula Mortem you can read more about it on our page A New Concept in Spirit Boards.

  • Q: Is the Tabula Mortem a Ouija board?

  • A: No, Ouija is a brand name owned by Hasbro and no other spirit board is a Ouija.

  • Q: Is it better to use a pendulum or planchette with the Tabula Mortem?

  • A: This is a matter of personal preferences. Some people prefer the traditional feel of a planchette while others find that a pendulum responds more freely. Both are a means of spiritual communication, and you will have to experiment to find what works best for you.

  • Q: Where can I get more information about the Tabula Mortem?

  • A: The first place you may want to look is the Blog Page, here we post latest information on everything Tabula Mortem. You may also want to follow us on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or YouTube. Another wonderful place to start learning is the Links page where you will find excellent websites containing everything you need to know about spirit boards.

  • Q: Can I use the Tabula Mortem for spiritual development?

  • A: Yes, the Tabula Mortem was designed to speak to higher forces then those usually encountered on spirit boards. The ancient symbols upon the board allow it to communicate in a deeply symbolic way that when meditated upon can bring about a spiritual awakening.

  • Q: Who is the creator of the Tabula Mortem?

  • A: The board was drawn by Marianne Palmer at U.S. Games Systems Inc. under the direction of Judas Knight and Jerome Van Dyke. The design of the board was a collaboration between Judas Knight, Jerome Van Dyke, U.S. Games Systems Inc. and Papa Legba. The board was created by the request of Stuart Kaplan.

  • Q: There is a lot of Vodou images on the Tabula Mortem are you a Vodou initiate?

  • A: No, all the Vodou images on the board is the result of an encounter with Papa Legba which you can read about Here.

  • Q: How did you decipher the cave runes?

  • A: We did not, there is no way of knowing exactly what these symbols meant to people who have been gone from this earth for tens of thousands of years, but in the magical world symbols have a life of their own. What we did was resurrect these symbols to see what they could mean in our lives today.

  • Q: Am I talking to spirits when I use the Tabula Mortem?

  • A: This is a matter of personal belief, some people believe they are talking to spirits, others angels and some the subconscious. I maintain that they are all the same, the subconscious can speak with the dead or higher beings so it is with the subconscious we must make contact first.

  • Q: Can I trust the information I get from the Tabula Mortem?

  • A: Once again this is a matter of personal beliefs. Surely the information means something, or it wouldn’t have come to you but is it a message from the other side or are you projecting your own hopes and fears on the board. These are questions you will need to ask yourself.

  • Q: Is the Tabula Mortem Evil?

  • A: This is a matter of our personal definition of the word evil. While dark spirits can make contact through the board they may not necessarily be classified as evil. It must also be understood that whether something is considered evil or not will depend greatly upon your own spiritual perceptions. If you are in doubt, we suggest you consult your minister, priest/ess or whomever you see as your spiritual teacher.
