The Wisdom of The Past

To help shape our future

Forgotten Magic

Waiting to be discovered.

Ancient Symbolic Cave Hieroglyphics

On virtually every continent caves can be found that hold the record of mankind’s beginnings written out on stone. These ancient people who lived so close to the Earth attempted to save what was important to them by drawing it out on the rocks. In this way these caves became ancient cathedrals containing power and secrets that have long become lost. Among these drawings of animal spirits and star signs can be found strange symbols older than any writing on Earth. It is with these symbols that spirits can communicate to you through the Tabula Mortem.   

Over the years archaeologists have studied the art found on cave walls throughout the world, paying most of their attention to the impressive drawings of animals and hunting scenes. These seemed to be the best source of information available to help understand the lives of Neolithic people. Alongside these ancient masterpieces people have noticed strange markings that were often dismissed as meaningless. Recently this has changed as some archaeologists started to notice that the same symbols seem to appear in caves all over the world and are almost identical everywhere. This has led many researchers to view these patterns as a symbolic language and not just doodles on cave walls. In fact, when one considers that these same symbols pop-up on cave walls across the globe and spanning tens of thousands of years in time virtually unchanged it is hard to argue that they had no meaning.

  So, if we accept that these symbols have meaning, then wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could find that meaning and bring this wisdom that seemed so important to our ancestors back into our lives today? But how can we hope to understand the meaning of something we lost centuries ago?  How can we know what these symbols may have meant to the people who used them? The answer is, we cannot. There is no way to fully know what these symbols meant to a people who walked the land in a time older than memory. But this doesn’t mean that the power of these magic symbols is out of our grasp. Magically speaking, symbols have a power of their own and this power can be unlocked if we try to connect with the symbol. We may not know exactly what the symbol may have meant to the ancients, but we can get an idea and then use that idea to build up our own personal understanding of its meaning.

 Today we know the symbols that make-up our number system and alphabet because we are sent to school, and all taught the meaning of these symbols. But it is reasonable to assume that these nomadic people living in tribes had no such learning system in place. Yet the symbols are written on the walls as if it were a message to people who would came later. How did they expect people to understand what they mean? It stands to reason that the symbols must be representations of objects that the creators expected everyone to recognize. I suggest that these can be found in nature, and this is the first step to unlocking this ancient puzzle.

  These symbols have been included on the Tabula Mortem because they are the most ancient symbolic language that we could find and thus we hope they may be better suited to communicate with ancient beings and ancestral spirits to aid in your spiritual work.

Ancient Symbolic Cave Hieroglyphics
